Childhood Obesity Rates Are Reaching New Heights The Benefits Of Indoor Playground Equipment

The children’s playground is a staple of everyday life. When your business or church is lacking in this department? You could be turning a lot of visitors away by accident.

Everyone’s busy, for one reason or another. Parents have an especially difficult task juggling work, a social life, and their child’s needs. Providing them with a commercial indoor playground is a win-win for all parties. You can enjoy your customers’ or visitors’ undivided attention while their children play in a safe environment. Likewise, they’re more likely to want to come back and provide you with repeat business.

Play is important. Learn more about the psychology behind play and the financial benefits of installing a commercial indoor playground.

The Psychology Of Play

What is the correlation between your child’s health and play? Just take a look at old and new studies in the field of psychology. It’s long since been concluded that children need regular opportunities for a variety of gross motor activities, such as running, jumping, bouncing, drawing, and swimming. Children that don’t receive these activities and the interaction that comes with them in their first six years will face a lifetime of limited brain power. New studies are released year after year…and they’re heralding yet more troublesome news.

Rising Obesity Rates Among Children

A growing health concern spreading throughout the country is the rise of childhood obesity. Obesity is a term used to denote a weight far exceeding the BMI level (short for body mass index). Nationally the childhood obesity rate is nearly 20%, expected to hold steady for the next decade at the very least. Not only is a good diet necessary to stave off obesity, regular exercise is essential to promote the development of a healthy heart. The Sports And Fitness Industry Association determines healthy exercise as just 25 minutes of high-calorie burning physical activity thrice a week.

Common Concerns Facing Today’s Parents

Many parents today are actively worried about their children’s health. Up to two-thirds of parents worry their child spends too much time on electronic devices, thanks to a recent survey. While a little relaxation and indoor time is important, too much can have the opposite effect. A recent study found one-third of families will spend 20% of their household income on child care, as well. Imagine what you could be offering a large portion of your customers by installing a kids indoor play structure.

Financial Benefits Of Indoor Playgrounds

There are many benefits to enjoy when you invest in a kids play structure. The most obvious is attracting a wider variety of customers to spend time at your establishment worry-free. Parents, in particular, often find their options limited when they have to multitask throughout the week. Following more than 1,000 families with activity trackers, researchers found that children are more likely to engage in exercise if their parents do. A commercial indoor playground won’t cure everything, it will most certainly help.

Installing Commercial Indoor Playground Equipment

A single commercial indoor playground will go a long way for everyone involved. Parents can enjoy a little free time, not too far out of sight, and children can get some much-needed playtime. Businesses will enjoy pulling in more customers, all without intrusive advertising that can hurt more than help. Popular indoor playground equipment includes ball pits, slides, and monkeybars. It’s important to consider age range so families of all shapes and sizes can be accommodated.

Play is good for businesses, families, and kids. A commercial indoor jungle gym could be just the ticket.

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