I Look Awesome

When I was younger I thought that hair salons were just hair salons. I did not care about going to top hair salons and I did not see the value of the extra money. That has all changed. I had my first experience at best hair salon Fairfax VA has, possibly one of the best hair salons on the globe. The clouds parted, the birds began chirping, and I looked in the mirror and was completely astonished at how darn good I looked. It was a total transformation, but it was also still very me.
I have always worn my hair long and straight for the most part. And it is still long and straight, but now it has some kind of magical body attached to it so I no longer look like I am out of a mid 1970s teen magazine. I have played with color at other air salons and not been moved much one way or another. But this time, they brightened up my whole face. I am blonde. I have always been a blonde. But with some subtle highlight or low lights or whatever they call it, my sin looks healthier and my eyes pop. Love. IT. I am never going back to one of those budget hair salons ever again.