How Occupational Medicine Could Help Your Sore Back

The vast majority of people spend a substantial chunk of each day hunched over a desk staring at a computer monitor. While you may think the biggest problem this causes you is effort it takes not to fall asleep, it can actually be doing harm to your body.
In particular, this can put serious strain on your back. In some cases, even worse than physical using your back. According to experts, as many as 80% of the world?s population are estimated to experience back problems at some point in their lifetime.
Specifically, roughly one-half of those working in the United States admit to experiencing serious back pain systems each and every year. So what options are their to remedy this problem?
If you are lucky, you may only require minor help from occupational medicine, such as guided stretches or physical therapy. However, for many, the only reliable option may be orthopedic surgery.
There are so many different joints, bones, and nerves that the human spine is composed of, that there is just so much that can go wrong. Unfortunately, to receive the proper treatment, an orthopedic surgeon must first discover what the root of the problem is. Only someone who has studied occupational medicine extensively can be trusted to make a reliable diagnosis.
Considering that even minor issues can degrade overtime and turn into chronic back pain, it?s important to get help as early as possible. According to a recent market research report, early intervention could have potentially help the estimated more than 1.5 billion people who currently suffer from chronic pain all around the world.
This is especially true thanks to huge advancements in modern medicine. Whereas previously, in order to reach certain parts the spine, surgeons would need to make hug incisions which ran the risk of causing even more damage.
However, robotics have allowed for more minimally invasive spine procedures. These typically only require minor incisions, just large enough to fit small cameras through to give the surgeons a better view.
No one should have to live in chronic, debilitating pain for the rest of their lives. Don’t just continue wondering when to consult an orthopedist. Call occupational medicine physicians and get back on your feet ASAP.