Lower Back Pain Affects Over 30 Million Americans How To Save Money While Receiving Treatment

When you’ve been in an accident…it’s hard getting back to business as usual.
From a sports injury that’s pulled a ligament to a car crash that’s twisted your spine out of place, just returning to your usual workweek can seem like a monumental feat. Chronic pain is already a massive issue in the United States, stemming from a hundred different causes, and chronic pain caused by a serious injury can all but grind your life to a screeching halt. When you’re tired of stiffness, aching and limited mobility, a chiropractor can return your life back to you piece-by-piece.
The benefits of a chiropractor will be detailed below to give you a better idea of the better life waiting for you just around the corner.
The State Of Chronic Pain In America
A lot of people live with chronic pain today. In fact, this number might be even higher than we realize. Doctors Of Chiropractic (or DCs) treat over 27 million Americans for chronic pain issues relating to their neck, shoulders, upper back, lower back and spine every year. As many as 30 million Americans experience lower back pain at any given point in time. An additional study found one-half of all working Americans admit to having back symptoms crop up at some point in the last year.
Lower Back Pain
One of the most common forms of chronic pain in the country is constant lower back pain. It’s thought back pain is the leading cause of disability in Americans under the age of 45 and experts estimate as many as 80% of the population will experience a back problem at some point in their life. Lower back pain can be caused by repeated hunching, constant standing or more severe cases like an accident. When you need relief from your chronic lower back pain, a chiropractor can provide you the skill necessary to turn the tide in your favor.
Neck And Shoulder Pain
You may have lower back pain. You may also have neck and shoulder pain. This is a particularly common occurrence for those that walked away from a car crash, especially if you haven’t signed up for physical therapy yet. Whiplash is a condition caused by the very sudden and painful twisting of the neck and shoulders, common in car crash victims, and can have symptoms that last for years unless treated. Nearly 30% of adults with lower back pain reported limited activity due to a chronic condition and neck pain is no different.
Nerve Damage
If you’re experiencing numbness in your fingers, stabbing pains and strange tingling, you may just have nerve damage. This is an especially severe side-effect of unchecked back, neck and shoulder pain, particularly if this is the result of a severe injury. Stress on the nerve, such as ‘pinching’, can eventually lead to permanent disability if not corrected. Thankfully, a chiropractor is well-versed in pinpointing the root of the problem and providing solutions that can see you regaining some of your lost mobility. In fact, the sooner you act, the better off you are.
Seeking Out Chiropractor Services
A common fear many have when seeking out a chiropractor for chronic pain is the cost. How can you possibly recover when you also have medical bills to attend to? When you spot the pain early, you also put yourself in the better position of paying a lower bill. A recent study found treatment for lower back pain initiated by a Doctor Of Chiropractic costs 20% less than when initiated by an MD. You can also recover faster. Injured workers are 28 times less likely to have spinal surgery if their first point of contact is a Doctor Of Chiropractic.
Chiropractic care is where you turn when you’re tired of sleepless nights and self-medicating. Ease your chronic pain by letting South Tampa chiropractors help you.