The best way to stay fit is regular exercise. Our site has workout videos, easy fitness routines, articles about working out and staying fit, fitness news, and all the text about fitness you could ever dream of. But who runs this wondrous cornucopia? The answer is… Roderick Silverfish! That’s me! My favorite thing to do in the world is stay fit. I devote eight hours a day to exercising. Why? Because I believe in the utter sanctity of my body. If I must experience a consciousness bound to this abject earthly vessel then I intend to sculpt it to my precise specifications. Unfortunately, we as humans do not exist as formless, beautiful entities of light. Our bodies are cursed to decay and wither until they are no more. I believe that the only way to live is to fight against this inevitability with all of my strength, even if it’s a quixotic quest. So now that I’ve laid down the philosophical underpinnings of my blog, come along with me and we’ll figure out the best way to rage against the dying of the light!