How 3 Tesla MRI Technology is Helping Doctors Diagnose and Treat Disease Better Than Ever

Diagnostic imaging

Isn’t today’s medical technology amazing? In fact, it’s hard to believe that there was a time when radiology imaging wasn’t even a thing, and doctors, researchers, and scientists never imagined they would be able to see into the human body the way they’re able to now. For example, long before radiology centers and other kinds of diagnostic imaging centers existed, ancient physicians and scientists were only able to see inside the human body once a person had passed. Though evidence of minor surgical procedures exists, these were rarely performed and not nearly as complex as the surgeries performed today. Thanks to today’s medical technical which allows healthcare professionals to literally see inside the human body in great detail, surgical procedures can be done with a great deal of accuracy and precision and many are minimally invasive.

In addition to saving countless lives, perhaps one of the greatest things about magnetic resonance imaging or MRI technology is that it keeps getting better! MRI radiology technology is propelling forward at a rapid pace, with major advances being made year after year. These advances in MRI technology allow doctors, surgeons, radiologists, and other healthcare professionals to gain even deeper insight into diagnosing and treating patients. A great example of this is 3 Tesla MRI technology.

What is 3 Tesla MRI technology?

Although Nikola Tesla is a well known Serbian American engineer, futurist, and inventor, the term Tesla (T) also refers to the unit of measurement that reflects the strength of a magnetic field. Before 3 Tesla MRI technology was available, the average high field standard was 1.5 Tesla. 3 Tesla MRI technology provides greater insight into the anatomy of the human body because of it’s greater magnetic field strength, which is far more powerful than that of traditional MRI machines. And because 3 Tesla MRI technology provide much better and more detail scans of human anatomy, it also improves the accuracy of diagnosing disorders and treating them via medication and surgery.

Common reasons you might need an MRI

There are many reasons why a doctor or another medical professional would require you to have an MRI scan. Here are just a few general examples based on different areas of your body.

Your abdomen

Getting an MRI scan of your abdomen and pelvis can discover any problems or abnormalities in your organs, such as the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and bladder. Common examples of abdomen abnormalities include internal bleeding, blockage, infection, and tumors. MRI scans of the abdomen can also detect uterine and ovarian cancer in women and prostate cancer in men.

Your head

People that suffer from chronic cluster or migraine headaches often have to get MRI scans in order to determine what the underlying cause might be, if any. MRI scans of the head are also highly effective in uncovering the presence of tumors, aneurysms, bleeding in or around the brain, nerve damage, damaged as a result of a stroke, and many other issues. Furthermore, MRI scans can also reveal damage to auditory and optic nerves as well as the ears and the eyes.

Your chest

These kinds of scans are necessary in order for doctors to get a better more accurate look at the anatomy of the heart, its coronary blood vessels, its valves, as well as the lungs. These scans are also used to look for the presence of breast cancer. They can be absolutely life saving!

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