Infertility the FAQ

What is infertility?
Infertility is defined as an incapability to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sex. In the case of women over 35, this time period is shortened to six months. It is also defined as the inability to carry a pregnancy over to an actual birth.
What causes infertility?
Infertility can be brought on by a number of causes. Contrary to popular belief, infertility can be caused by the man or woman in the relationship. In the case of men, it is often attributed to either a low sperm count, a lack of sperm production in the semen, a blockage that prevents semen from exiting the body, or lazy or weak sperm that are unable to make it to the fertilization process. For women, it can be due to a number of causes. For example, environmental causes such as stress or diet can decrease a woman’s chances of fertility, as well as certain conditions, such as endometriosis. When broken down, stats say that one-third of fertility is attributed to the female partner, one-third is attributed to the male, and one-third is a combination of both partners’ issues.
What is the likelihood of infertility?
According to statistics released on, approximately on in eight couples (or 12% of married women) have had difficulties getting pregnant or carrying it to term. Additionally, a couple between the ages of 29-33 only have a 25% chance of conceiving — even if they have completely normally functioning reproductive systems.
What are the treatments for infertility?
Luckily, reproductive centers offer many options for infertility treatments. One of the most popular preliminary treatments is called in vitro fertilization, or IVF treatment. The IVF process entails the manual combination of a sperm and an embryo. Then, the sperm and egg is fertilized into an embryo and placed back into the woman’s uterus. As mentioned, this treatment is usually preliminary.
Of course, there are more treatments and options for couples struggling with fertility. If you have any questions, it never hurts to ask your local fertility centers. Fertility centers will provide you with tailored solutions for you and your partner that will help you to increase your chances of conceiving.