Take the Necessary Steps During Prenatal Care to Make Sure a Baby is Born Healthy

Every year, roughly 4 million babies are born in the United States. For any pregnant woman, visiting a Virginia Beach OBGYN to make sure that they are healthy is a good idea since babies born to mothers who do not get prenatal care are five times more likely to die than the ones born to mothers who do. While a Norfolk OBGYN might not be the only specialist a woman needs to make sure that their baby is born healthy, Virginia beach obgyn doctors can be a great resource for anyone who wants to be as healthy as possible for their child.
There are many steps a woman should take, in addition to visiting a Virginia Beach OBGYN, while pregnant in order to make sure that their baby is healthy. One of them is managing a proper diet. Prenatal diets that are high in protein or fat have been linked to chronic conditions like heart disease, obesity and diabetes. On top of that, excessive Vitamin A can cause head, heart, brain, and spinal cord defects in the fetus. So while using a Virginia Beach OBGYN to receive women health services is useful, women will want to make sure that they treat their body properly while pregnant.
Regardless of how much health care for women someone gets from a Virginia Beach OBGYN while pregnant, certain activities are dangerous no matter what. Binge drinking can be particularly dangerous and some of the known risks of doing so while pregnant are miscarriage, stillbirth, and mental retardation and even some facial deformities. So in addition to using a Virginia Beach OBGYN, women will want to avoid binge drinking while pregnant.