The Importance of Receiving Vision Care

We all know how important it is to keep up with our medical or dental care, yet many people forget about the importance of vision care. Vision care is also known as eye care and keeping up with your vision care appointments can catch problems early. Keep reading to learn about the importance of receiving vision care.
So what do we mean when we say you should receive vision care? This does not mean finding a random glasses store and getting a simple vision test. You should receive a comprehensive eye exam from a licensed optometrist.
Why do you need a comprehensive eye exam from a licensed optometrist rather than a simple vision test? A comprehensive eye exam offers a complete picture of your eye health. During this comprehensive exam, your optometrist is able to detect diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other eye diseases like glaucoma before their symptoms even become apparent.
Once your eye exam is completed, your optometrist will let you know if they found any issues, or if you need glasses. If you do need glasses, don’t worry, you’ll have dozens of styles, shapes, and colors to choose from so you can find the best glasses for you.
To learn more about the importance of receiving vision care, watch the video above!