Understanding Brain Surgery and Insurance Coverage

Traumatic brain injuries are common among people who are part of an accident. In most cases, if you get rear-ended and hit your head, chances are you can get a traumatic brain injury.
What is a traumatic brain injury?
A traumatic brain injury is a result wherein your head results experienced a sudden trauma that caused the brain damage. Often, traumatic brain injuries are life-threatening if not addressed properly. For some, traumatic brain injuries result in life-changing conditions.
In most cases wherein the head is severely traumatized, bone graft surgery might be required. It can happen during accidents where your head struck the steering wheel so hard.
There are many types of traumatic brain injuries, and they are ranked based on the severity of the damage. This include:
• Concussions
• Brain Contusions
• Brain Hemorrhage
• Intracranial Hematomas
• Coup-contrecoup brain injury
• Diffuse axonal injury
• Penetrating brain injury
• Second impact syndrome
What are projection fibers?
Projection fibers are white matter in the brain that connect or unite the cerebral cortex from the brainstem, cerebellum, spinal cord, and deep nuclei.
What is bone grafting?
Bone grafting is a procedure in which the doctor transplants a bone to repair diseased or damaged bone. In this case, it’s quite prevalent among people who have experienced traumatic brain injuries, as they can result in a cracked skull. Fortunately, bone grafting technology makes treating conditions such as a cracked skull or other bone injuries easier.