Where Does Your Family Typically Get Their Annual Flu Shot?

This is the time of the year when more and more people are making sure that they are getting their flu shots. From teachers who are surrounded by children all day to volunteers who spend part of their time working with those who in nursing homes or rehabilitative hospitals, getting a flu shot is a necessity. If you have ever felt the onset of flu symptoms in a year when you did not take the time to get a flu shot you understand the importance of this preventative measure. Whether you visit urgent care centers for these flu shots or you go to your family physician, now is the time to take this important precaution.
Whether you are getting a flu vaccine or you are going in to have a doctor confirm the flu symptoms that you are already experiencing, urgent care clinics are often one of the best options. Because they are more affordable than hospital emergency rooms and more convenient than family pediatricians and physicians offices, urgent care clinics are the place that more and more people are turning to. Consider some of these statistics about the urgent care offerings in America and how those services compare to the ones offered at hospital ERs and family doctors offices:
- Statistics indicate that as many as 25,000 Americans suffer from an ankle sprain each day.
- The latest studies show that 80% of urgent care centers provide fracture care.
- A preventative trip to an urgent clinic to get a flu shot might be able to help you avoid missing days of work if you come down with a full blown case of the flu.
- Yearly health check ups can even occur at a local health clinic.
- Have you ever broken a bone? National statistics indicate that each year as many as 6 million people in the U.S. will break a bone.
- Every year, Americans get nearly 1 billion colds.
- A preventative trip to the doctor may be able to help you avoid future health problems that are more serious.
- Leading the list of complaints that many health clinic doctors hear dizziness is the second most common complaint heard in doctor’s offices. In fact, dizziness will occur in 70% of the nation’s population at sometime in their lives.
- Treating minor, non emergency health conditions in a hospital emergency room can be a waste of money. Unfortunately, 44% to 65% of all ER episodes could have been treated in urgent care clinic settings, according to a private study conducted by Milliman.
- Healthcare coverage is a growing concern for many Americans. If you have affordable healthcare, are you making sure that you use it to your full advantage?
- You need to make sure that the place you select for your healthcare is reliable, affordable, and convenient, all of which may be found at a local health care clinic.
If you are looking for a way to STAY HEALTHY this cold and flu season, many doctors recommend getting your annual flu shot. Waiting until you experience flu symptoms before you see the doctor may mean that you will end up with a full case of the flu, a situation that could have been avoided. Whether you are looking for a flu vaccine or fracture care, an urgent care clinic may be your best option.