The Incredible Benefits of Using Ibogaine to Overcome Drug Addictions

Dealing with addiction is never easy, but there is hope. Here are a few tips to help you find an appropriate recovery option applicable to your specific situation.

Do I need to consider a methadone clinic?

Methadone clinics are great options for functional heroin addicts. They often make it possible for those struggling with the physical effects of heroin addiction to continue working and participating in healthy social activities.

What do I need to know about addictive personality disorder treatment?

Several treatment modalities are appropriate for addressing the issues most commonly encountered by those diagnosed with an addictive personality disorder. Many individuals have found working with an addiction workbook to be particularly helpful, particularly in the context of treatment. Many therapists consider these workbooks to be particularly helpful when it comes to staying on track after drug rehab.

Is there anything I need to know about addictive personality and relationships?

Individuals who have been diagnosed with an addictive personality disorder often have difficulty maintaining relationships. Reconsidering the nature of all your relationships is a critical part of the recovery process. Don’t be scared to walk away from old friends and develop new ties. Avoid entering into relationships driven by addiction-related dynamics.

If you have personally experienced the horrible physical withdrawals that one goes through while detoxing from an addiction, you know that this is one of the greatest hurdles a user experiences in the journey to get clean. Coping with the terrible effects of drug withdrawals takes a toll on a person’s physical mental and emotional well-being, and not being sets them up to fail on their journey to recovery.

Many people do not know that there are drug treatment options that help reduce those awful side effects and give users the greatest chance of recovery success. One such treatment is a natural substance called ibogaine. ibogaine has psychological properties that basically reset the neurotransmitters of your brain and removes the physical dependence that your body has towards the object of your addiction, giving you the ability to heal without the debilitating side effects. When used as a drug treatment, ibogaine has a 60% success rate for long-term recovery from addictive substances; this statistic is almost unheard of for any other drug rehabilitation method. Additionally, ibogaine has shown promising results when used to treat mental health issues like depression, intense anxiety, and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), giving its patients a chance to live life without the psychological boundaries they had prior to treatment. Some conditions that ibogaine is effective for treating include:

  • Ibogaine for Alcohol Addiction

    Alcohol addiction can be one of the most difficult addictions to overcome. Traditional twelve-step programs are overwhelming to many alcoholics, and just overcoming the physical withdrawal they they initially experience prevents many alcoholics from achieving a successful recovery. Any hospital staff member you talk to can recount numerous stories of alcohol addicted patients they’ve had to actually physically restrain to their beds while they went through terrible side effects of their alcohol dependency, such as sweating, shaking, and hallucinating. Using ibogaine for alcohol addictions helps alcoholic patients skip that terrible phase and delivers them to the part in their treatment plan where they go through therapy to help them cope with the decisions they’ve made and give them the skills to avoid turning to alcohol in the future.
  • Ibogaine for Methamphetamine Addictions

    It is very difficult for an addict who is dependent on methamphetamine to overcome their addiction. While getting the withdrawal effects out of their system, meth patients experience seizure symptoms, hallucinations, sweats, and terrible pain throughout their body. Even after they’ve overcome these terrible physical side effects, the psychological addiction to methamphetamine is also extremely difficult to overcome without medical intervention.

    Using ibogaine for methamphetamine addictions not only relieves the physical withdrawal symptoms that a patient goes through to get the drug out of their system, it gives the patient the psychological strength to reflect and identify their own weaknesses that lead them to their drug of choice in the first place, and and get to a place of security where they are no longer need to turn to it to cope with life’s stress.
  • Ibogaine for Crack and Cocaine Addictions
    One of the leading causes of crack and cocaine dependency is the sense of well-being that the addict experiences while high. These drugs usually wear off within 15 to 30 minutes, making the user have to take more and more to get to that same sense of security. The psychological impact of the high that users experience introduces difficult psychological withdrawals while they get clean from it, such as extreme depression and despondency, and difficulty focusing. Ibogaine not only takes physical withdrawal symptoms out of the equations, it helps the patience gain mental clarity to avoid these mental and emotional side effects.
  • Ibogaine for Depression

    Studies show that using ibogaine for depression has resulted in a positive impact on the patient. People who experience mental disorders like depression often struggle to sort their way out of their mental issue while suffering from anguish as a result of it. When patients take ibogaine for depression, they reach psychological clarity that gives them the ability to subjectively identify the root of their mental health issue, and process it without the burden of the mental anguish they are experiencing. Using ibogaine for depression is a short-term treatment, but results in long-term benefits.

Do you have any questions about ibogaine? Please share them in the comment section below.

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