The genetic makeup of an individual can impact their ability to fight off diseases that attack the body. For example, while some families develop a history of cancer, others have better chances of preventing the disease from spreading. Through advancements in the field of science, people have learned how to take and use genes to help patients fight diseases through a process called cell and gene therapy. Discovering the benefits of cell and gene therapy is easy when you begin to understand the process.
The process will begin with a doctor taking a sample of some of the patient’s cells. From here, they will inject the cells with the genes that provide people the ability to fight or resist the ailment. From here, the cells are then reinjected into the individual where they will continue to multiply and spread. Cell and gene therapy has gotten so advanced that healing processes that used to take weeks of various treatments and multiple medications can now be done with a single treatment. As research continues the effect of the treatment and the conditions they will be able to combat will continue to grow.
For additional information about the benefits of cell and gene therapy, please review the attached video.