Erectile Dysfunction Is Thought To Blame For One Out Of Every Five Marriages Here’s Why

Best treatment for ed

When erectile dysfunction starts to take control of your life, it’s understandable to become desperate for solutions. No amount of over-the-counter medication or herbal treatments will replace what vacuum therapy for ED can do. Designed to target the root problem of erectile dysfunction, this is a natural remedy that brings in consistent results for the majority of patients who apply. Instead of following ‘get quick rich’ schemes, look instead to statistics brought forth by people going through a similar situation to yours.

How does vacuum therapy for ED work? Keep reading below and educate yourself on this viable and useful tool.

Where do you stand in all this? Well, there are over 30 million reported cases of erectile dysfunction in the United States as we know it. That’s over 30 million people eager for respite and on the lookout for medical treatments that work. Thanks to studies published by the Cleveland Clinic, at least 40% of men over the age of 40 are effected by this disorder. Another 70% of men aged 65 and up are struggling with erectile dysfunction. Age is perhaps the most significant factor, though a few other elements are to blame.

From genetics to age, there are many root causes of this disorder and the results can be devastating. Studies have recently suggested erectile dysfunction is involved in at least one out of every five failed marriages. A healthy sex life is important to quite a few couples and another study examined the self-esteem and mental wellness involved with maintaining consistent performance. Around 25% of participants in a survey admitted they felt they ‘let down their partners’ because they couldn’t engage in what’s considered proper intercourse.

A marriage that’s considered ‘sexless’ by most modern standards is when a couple has sex no more than 10 times in any given year. The New York Times has estimated as many as 15% of marriages being sexless and the same survey found the top three most important qualities of marriage being companionship, love and sex. While being sexless is a choice some make for personal reasons, others can find this element incredibly frustrating. Whatever your preferences may be, vacuum therapy for ED may be the missing ingredient toward a happier relationship.

One of the most significant factors contributing to erectile dysfunction in older men is atherosclerosis. This is also known as a ‘hardening of the arteries’, adding up to 60% of all older male patients and making it highly difficult, if not impossible, to have sex. A vacuum pump is able to help a man maintain an erection for up to 30 minutes. With studies showing nine out of 10 men with erectile dysfunction able to enjoy sex with the aid of a penis pump, the future is looking bright for both individual cases and the medical industry at large. A penis pump for sale is fast becoming the go-to option for many tired of formulas that just don’t deliver.

As of last year the American medical device industry was at an impressive $148 billion value. This is projected to reach nearly $175 billion over the next two years. Vacuum therapy for ED is starting to see more attention due to its consistent results and ease of use. A vacuum pump consists of three primary parts. The first is a clear plastic tube placed over the penis, followed by a pump powered either by hand or by battery. The last part is a band placed at the base of the penis to prevent slippage. The best treatment for ED, barring more extreme cases, is a pump for erectile dysfunction.

Meeting with a medical professional and getting a diagnosis will help you get started on the path toward living comfortably with erectile dysfunction.

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