Five Reasons You Need a Professional Daycare Cleaning Service

If you send your child to a day care, you are obviously interested in the cleanliness of the facility. You need to protect against germs if you’re going to be protecting children from illness. A clean daycare facility is a must, and there are number of good reasons to hire professional cleaners to make sure the job is done right. Here are just a few of them.
- Your daycare workers are stressed and exhausted. Even for those who love children and have chosen to make a career of helping and teaching them, working with children all day is extremely stressful. The entire day is eaten up dealing with interpersonal problems, helping a child learn how to manage emotions, solving problems, and protecting and teaching the most vulnerable people in our society. It’s an awful lot to expect these people, who are experts in child care and development, to also become experts in infection prevention and sterilization. A clean daycare knows that things will go better when they hire professionals to do daycare cleaning rather than putting this burden on already overworked staff.
- Daycare facilities attract germs. Because of the way children live their lives, it’s simply impossible for them to maintain the same state of hygiene as an adult. As adults, we learn how to use all of our senses in an appropriate way to investigate the world around us. Young children do not yet have the maturity and life experience to know how to do this, so they tend to use their senses indiscriminately. If you have a toddler, you know how much they like putting things in their mouths. This is how they experience a thing and understand it. In addition, children tend to suck their fingers as a soothing mechanism, and very few young children are capable of comprehending the importance of washing their hands or doing it well. (Let’s not blame them too much, though, because studies show only 5% of adults wash their hands for more than 15 seconds!) A clean daycare will try to help children develop good hygiene habits, but the reality is that a daycare will always attract more germs than almost any other sort of facility.
- Children are more vulnerable to infection. While children have less hygienic personal habits than most adults, they are also more vulnerable to infection. The average child will get a cold between six and 10 times in a year, and the CDC estimates that the United States loses 22 million school days every year because of the common cold. Children’s immune systems have not yet developed fully, making them more likely to catch an infection. This means it’s even more important to have a clean daycare, and even more essential to have professionals make sure that a daycare is thoroughly cleaned on a regular basis.
- Germs are resilient. Not only are children more likely to pick up an infection, and less able to defend against infections, but viruses are incredibly resilient. The flu virus, for example, can survive just fine on a hard surface for as long as 48 hours. Since people can shed a virus even before they start to experience symptoms, a child sick on Wednesday could have been leaving virus around the hard surfaces of the daycare all day Tuesday. This doesn’t even take into consideration the new antibiotic resistant bacteria that pose an increasing threat to all of us.
- Daycare cleaning gives everyone peace of mind. Not only does a professional daycare cleaning service provide you with a clean daycare, and not only does it protect your children, but it also gives you valuable peace of mind. You care a lot about your children, their health, and their future, and knowing that they’re walking into a clean facility every morning helps you feel assured that you’re doing everything you can for them.
We are all interested in keeping our children as healthy as possible. A clean daycare is essential to our children, to the staff who work there, and to our own peace of mind. Professional daycare cleaning services are the way to get that.