Help Your Family Breathe Better By Getting Rid of Any Mold In Your Home

Unless it develops on the outside of the drywall, you won’t see mold. If you can’t see something, how do you know it’s there or suspect it developed? Consider the signs that your home has developed a mold problem and contact a mold remediation service to test the home for the substance.

You might spot black mold on ceiling tiles, but it can hide inside a home’s walls, too. Let’s consider a few non-visual signs that indicate you need to hire black mold removal services. You might smell a musty odor in one or more rooms of your home, even after airing it out by opening windows. Your home may have recently required plumbing repairs due to a leak. Homes frequently develop black mold from water leak damage. A flood could occur in your neighborhood, affecting part or all of your home. Water damage and black mold go hand-in-hand. A member of your household with asthma or another chronic respiratory condition could experience an increased number of attacks while at home.

In each of these situations, call a mold remediation service to test the home and have them chase the mold away through remediation. There’s no need to put yourself at risk. Rely on the experts for help!

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Mold is a big problem for a lot of people. It has been estimated that there are more than 100,000 different kind of mold and all of them are bad for human health. Most people spend more than 90% of their time inside making indoor air pollution and a poor indoor air quality a real problem for a lot of us. The sixth ranking chronic condition in the United States is asthma, a serious illness for many children. Asthma has been proven to be triggered or made worse by mold, allergens and dust that are commonly found indoors. If you are concerned about the air quality in your home, calling a company to conduct mold testing is a good place to start.

  1. Educate yourself about mold. When you first hear than your home may have a problem with mold, maybe this has happened as a result of a home mold inspection, you may not know what to think of the situation. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that there is mold all over ad it is impossible to go your entire life without some exposure. Mold testing may show low levels of mold all of the time. What is a mold? The term “mold” refers to a wide variety of fungi that occur naturally all over the planet. It flourishes all year round and in a number of different climates, though moisture is often considered to be a breeding ground for it. It has been around for more than 400 million years and has evolved to need very little to survive so you are not going to completely and permanently eradicate it from your home. You can keep your and your family’s exposure down by regularly cleaning all surfaces, especially those in your kitchen, bathrooms and basement.
  2. Who should handle your mold cleanup? After your mold testing has revealed the presence of mold in your home, who should handle its cleanup? A lot of this will depend on how much mold you find and where it is located. If you have just a little bit in obvious and open places like your shower, you can probably take care of it yourself. Make a mixture of 50% water and 50% bleach and use that to clean any surfaces you think you may have mold. You can also wipe down surfaces with a mixture of tea tree oil and water. This is a great, natural way to deal with and reduce the mold in your home. If the mold is more extensive and/or is in your walls, you may have to call in a mold remediation company to deal with the situation.
  3. Keep your home’s moisture levels down. If you live in a humid climate like that of a place like Florida, you may want to invest in dehumidifiers for your home. It should go without saying that if you have any kind of flood, you need to get the excess water out of your home as quickly as possible and throw away any carpeting or furniture that has been soaked in the flood water. You can bring in experts to do some mold testing on your home if you have a problem like that. Watching for problem areas with leaky pipes and air conditioner condensers that drip water on various surfaces can go a long way in making your home inhospitable to mold. Mold loves warm, moist places and it does not take a lot of time for it to flourish in your home.

No one likes to find that mold testing has found a problem in their home. It is very unhealthy to breath in and can be expensive to get rid of. The good news is that there are steps you can take to make your home less friendly to mold infestations. When you are looking into homeowner insurance policies, check on what kinds of coverage you can get for mold infestations. Many policies do not cover it but you can add this coverage to your plan. Check with your insurance carrier and see what your options are to protect your family from toxic mold.

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