Affordable medical supplies for seniors can make all the difference to home care or assisted living situations. Dealing with illness or recovery at home, or just the problems that come naturally with the aging process, can be demanding and stressful for the caregivers. Ready access to supplies like insulin syringes, walkers and canes and washable bed pads for incontinence can help to keep daily routines running smoothly.
Health care for chronic conditions
Chronic conditions like diabetes affect millions of people. It is estimated that more than one in four or 25.9% of all Americans over the age of 65 and older have diabetes. That’s 11.8 million seniors. Additionally, 1.4 million new cases of diabetes are diagnosed every year.
A reliable source of medical supplies, for those who need regular access to supplies like diabetic syringes can be a crucial issue in healthcare. As well as diabetes, other chronic conditions that American seniors live with are arthritis, asthma, chronic respiratory disease, heart disease, and high blood pressure.
Walking aids for seniors
In home healthcare situations, assisted living or healthcare facilities, home medical supplies can become essential items. Different types of walkers are increasingly in demand as the population ages. In fact, demand for walking aids is expected to double by 2050. By the year 2030, about one out of five Americans will belong to an older age group.
Altogether, about one out of ten elderly persons uses more than one walking aid or mobility device. The type of device used depends of whether they are inside the home or outdoors, the presence of caregivers etc.
When it comes to walking aids, individual preferences matter. About 16.4% prefer canes, 11.6% use walkers and 6% rely on wheelchairs. A small number, about 2.3%, use scooters.
Medical supplies for elder care
Other necessary supplies include sterile rolled cotton, tubular bandages and washable bed pads for incontinence. With the best planning, however, accidents do happen. Falls are a common type of injury suffered by the elderly. Emergency rooms report treating an older adult for a fall every 15 seconds.
A fall can lead to further medical problems, such as broken bones and trauma. The healing process slows down as the body ages, which can cause complications. Using walking aids at home can help prevent many such accidents, which typically have multiple health impacts.
Home medical supplies such as walkers, diabetic care and washable bed pads for incontinence can help caregivers fulfill their tasks without disruption. An affordable and reliable source of such supplies can be a real support for caregivers.