How Plastic Surgery Can Help With Health-Related Issues

Have you ever had botox or know someone who got botox? Believe it or not, cosmetic surgery is not always a decision made simply based on appearances. There are plenty of instances in which a cosmetic surgery, reconstructive surgery, plastic surgery or botox could be to help with a health issue. You never know when having different plastic surgery procedures could improve your quality of life. It is important not to judge the situation too quickly before you completely understand the botox meaning or the plastic surgery reasoning.
Interested in learning more about the importance of botox and different plastic surgeries? Keep reading to find out the botox meaning, botox uses and kinds of plastic surgeries or reconstructive surgeries that could better someone?s life.
How Often Plastic Surgery Is Performed
Cosmetic procedures and plastic surgeries take place quite frequently in the United States. Whether it is a breast reduction surgery, facial plastic surgery, a rhinoplasty or something else, the number of times these procedures take place every year is astonishing. For instance, in 2015 alone, there were around 15.9 million different procedures performed. Some of these were surgical while others were only minimally-invasive procedures, according to the annual plastic surgery procedural statistics.
These numbers of increasingly on the rise, too. From 2014 to 2015, there was a 2% increase in the number of overall procedures performed in the United States. More often than not, these procedures do require some amount of surgery. It is less often that they are only minimally-invasive. Statistics show that around 60% of money spent related to plastic surgery procedures goes toward an actual surgery rather than a minimally-invasive procedure.
There are also some types of plastic surgery that are still more popular than others. For example, breast augmentation occurs most frequently with around 279,143 procedures taking place during 2015. That number is an 30% percent from how many of the procedures were performed in the year 2000. The second most popular surgery is liposuction. As of 2015, there were around 222,051 procedures performed. Surprisingly, this number is down more than 30% from the number performed in the year 2000.
Health-Related Reasons People Choose Plastic Surgery
Not all procedures are breast enhancements or liposuction, though. Many people turn to plastic surgery to help with a health issue. One of the main reasons someone may get plastic surgery is to help with ear, nose and throat issues. For instance, sleep apnea affects around 18 million Americans. That means around 6.62% of the American population suffers in one way or another from sleep apnea.
Rhinoplasties may be able to help with health issues such as this. The shape of your nose can actually affect whether or not you are able to breathe correctly. It can result in difficulties throughout your life that could be remedied if you seek professional medical advice rather than simply continuing to live your life as though nothing is wrong and nothing can help you. If one doesn?t seek medical advice as to how to treat their sleep apnea or as to how a rhinoplasty may offer some relief, there are a multitude of health-related issues they can suffer in addition to sleep apnea. For instance, they are more likely to have heart disease and have a higher risk of having a stroke at some point in their life, too.
Botox is another form of cosmetic procedure that can help with some health issues. If you suffer from chronic migraines or headaches, a doctor may advise that you try botox. Make sure you have spoken to a medical professional about botox meaning, uses and impacts on your health before trying it.
Have you ever had botox or a cosmetic procedure? Did a doctor explain botox meaning and effects? Did you do it to help with a health issue or for cosmetic reasons? Let us know in the comments about your experiences with plastic surgery procedures.