Remedies for Lower Back Pain

Back pains are one of the most common physical conditions people encounter in their lives. IF you are looking for relief from back pains, here are some back pain remedies you can try at home.
Remedy 1: The first remedy is the pelvic tilt; this will help your core and trunk get activated, allowing you to contract the muscles together.
It is one of the highly sought out remedies for back pain relief.
Remedy 2: If you’re sitting for long periods of time, the following remedy is for you to have a cushion around your lower back region. This remedy is good if you have tailbone issues.
Remedy 3: Back rotation is easy to do, you just have to stretch out your lower back muscles in 5 to 10 seconds if it doesn’t hurt.
Remedy 4: Hamstring stretch is one of the best back pain remedies as it affects the lower back. In doing so, bend forward at your hips and let it stay still for 30 seconds to feel that instant relief from your lower back.
Remedy 5: Piriformis stretch. To do the piriformis stretch, you just have to cross your legs in a figure four pattern. Straighten up your back and lean towards your knee while holding the figure four pattern. Hold your position for 30 to 45 seconds and do 3 sets of these. You can feel relief from your lower back region.