The Benefits of Therapeutic Massage From Stress Reduction to Pain Management

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More and more individuals are becoming aware of the health benefits of therapeutic massages. This includes chiropractors, physicians, and of course the clients receiving these medical massages to address a variety of health and wellness issues. It’s important to note that here are a variety of massage techniques used to address these issues. Once someone experiences the benefits of therapeutic massages, chances are that they will incorporate these treatments into their health and wellness regimen on a regular basis.

Referrals for Medical Massages

It’s interesting to note that chiropractors refer more clients to massage therapists than do other medical professionals. A recent survey with massage therapists showed that 13% receive referrals from chiropractors a minimum of once every week. On a monthly basis, however, 24% of massage therapists receive referrals from chiropractors. One of the major reasons for this is that when someone receives a chiropractic adjustment, the musculature also needs to be addressed in order to maintain the re-alignment. When someone’s muscles are sore or stiff, this tends to effect their overall posture.

In addition to receiving referrals from chiropractors, over 54 million adults discussed massage therapy with their physicians or health care providers during 2013. It’s highly likely that these medical professionals provided referrals to their patients for therapeutic massage.

The Benefits of Massage Therapy

Therapeutic massage therapists provide treatment for a variety of conditions. Between July 2013 and July 2014, for instance, 54% of adult Americans received a therapeutic massage for these and other medical or health issues:

  • Injury rehabilitation
  • Overall wellness
  • Pain management
  • Soreness
  • Spasms
  • Stiffness

The same survey found that 23% of massage clients received massages to help them relax and reduce stress. Most, or 92%, of the survey participants agreed that pain can be reduced by having regular massages.

The International Journal of Preventative Medicine published a recent study on the effectiveness of massage therapy to control blood pressure in pre-hypertensive women. The researchers’ conclusions showed that it could be effective for this purpose. After receiving a massage, these women experienced lower blood pressure for up to 72 hours.

The Prevalence of Medical Massage

During 2013 to 2014, 15% of adults within the United States received at least one massage, according to the American Massage Therapy Association’s 2014 consumer survey. This is likely to increase, however, due to the fact that more physicians and hospitals are supportive of complementary and alternative medicine therapies (CAM). A recent American Hospital Association survey was conducted with 1,007 hospital respondents. The results showed that almost 82% of the hospitals were offering massage therapy along with other CAM modalities and health care services.

Learn More About the Health Benefits of Therapeutic Massages

The most effective way to learn about the health benefits of therapeutic massages is through personal experience. While some individuals may initially feel more inclined to discuss this with their primary care physician or other medical professional, others may choose to seek out a local therapeutic massage therapy center on their own. Since studies and surveys have shown the benefits of this treatment modality, there is an increased chance that medical professionals will initiate a discussion with their patients and refer them accordingly.

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