When Was the Last Time That Anxiety Kept You from Achieving Your Goals?

Life is difficult, for individuals and for couples. Sometimes life is so difficult, in fact, that there are a number of times when it is necessary to seek outside help to work through some of the most difficult times. From group marriage retreats that can help a couple adjust to becoming empty nesters to therapy services that can help a teenager deal with anxiety, there are many available resources that can help you navigate the most difficult and challenging of situations.
Whether you are looking for Christian Marriage therapy counseling options or you are looking for someone to help model the use of talk therapy for your teens, it is important to make the right connections as early as possible.
Traumatic Situations Serve as a Challenge to Many Families
Group marriage retreats can help a couple understand the challenges that they face after a difficult situation. With the right kind of therapists, for instance, families are able to navigate the most challenging of situations. Unfortunately, the estimated annual cost of depression in the U.S. caused by lost productivity and health care is $80 billion. Helping people find the resources that they need to learn strategies for dealing with depression is important. With regular appointments with the right therapists, many people are able to live a more full life without getting caught in the dangerous circles that sometimes come with depression, anxiety or other stressful conditions.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the many times when people find themselves in need of the help that therapists and group therapy sessions can provide:
- 350 million people around the world are affected by some form of depression.
- 11% of adolescents have a depressive disorder by the time they reach the age of 18.
- Unfortunately, as many as 50% of Americans with major depression do not seek treatment for the mental illness.
- Selecting the right kind of help can make a big difference. For instance, patients who turn to a licensed marriage and family therapist will typically spend 20% to 40% less than they would if they had opted to work with a psychologist or a psychiatrist.
- 50% of couples who participated in Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy recovered upon the termination of therapy, according to the Chicago Center for Emotionally Focused Therapy research.
- 70% of these same couples recovered within the next three months of the therapy ending.
The first time that you make the decision to attend a group marriage retreat you can find yourself enjoying the opportunity to get the help that you need in a setting that can teach you skills that will help you navigate the most challenging of situations.