You Don’t Have To Be Suffering To Seek Out Affordable Healthcare What Urgent Care Clinics Will Treat
You’ve sprained your ankle on-the-clock. Then again, you could’ve sprained it earlier in the day and it’s only now starting to hurt. Either way, you’re in pain and you need treatment.
Do you head to an emergency room or do you wait it out? Instead of choosing between your health care options, eliminate the middleman with an urgent care center. Designed to provide a fast solution to life’s moderate injuries and illnesses, your Mill Creek urgent care will keep you from stressing out. Not only can you visit them without an appointment, your wait time will be short and your bill much lower than if you’d visited an emergency room. Better yet, you can come back for physicals, vaccinations, and general health concerns.
Friendly medical care and affordable medical care don’t have to be polar opposites. Let’s talk about the urgent care clinic’s benefits.
Common Colds And The Flu
You don’t have to suffer through it. Convenient health care means helping you before things get too painful. It’s estimated Americans come down with around one billion common colds, with 5% to 20% of Americans coming down with the flu. These both share similar traits — these include fever, runny nose, congestion, difficulty breathing, and itchy eyes. The flu is often worse, however, and also comes with muscle aches, fatigue, and potentially hypothermia. If you suspect your fever is too high, it’s best to swing by a multicare urgent care center and stay safe.
Deep Cuts And General Burns
You’ve cut yourself cooking and can’t stop the bleeding. An urgent care clinic can help. Even life’s little problems should have a professional eye, even if it’s to make sure you just have the wound bandaged properly. Burns are one area you should never apply guesswork to, as the nature of a burn can erode the skin’s natural protective barrier and increase your risk of infection. There are over 20,000 physicians who practice urgent care medicine today.
Poison Ivy And Urinary Tract Infections
Sometimes conditions are so painful you can’t wait to see your regular doctor. Over 85% of Americans are allergic to poison ivy, a plant that can be found in every state except for Alaska and Hawaii. Not only is the blistering incredibly painful, constantly itching can pull the skin open and expose you to infection. Urinary tract infections (or UTIs for short) are another common issue that can make simply going to the bathroom an ordeal. Urgent care clinics don’t require an appointment, meaning you can swing by and be treated on the spot.
STD Testing And Physicals
Why wait until you’re hurt to check on your health? Urgent care clinics offer preventative care measures to keep you in the clear, including STD testing, physicals, and mental health consultations. STD testing should be done even if you haven’t had sex in a while, as not all conditions are received through intercourse. Physicals are important for both chronic pain and for pinpointing issues before they arise. Over three million patients visit urgent care centers every week, according to data provided by the Urgent Care Association Of America.
Mental Health And Vaccinations
It can be hard to believe, but urgent care centers truly are your one-stop shop for all things related to your health. Vaccinations can be requested with just a visit (with flu vaccines recommended yearly). Even mental health can be looked at if you’ve been concerned about suicidal thoughts or are struggling with chronic insomnia. Over 85% of urgent care centers are open seven days a week, with some locations open until the evening. Convenient health care means being able to request help at any time, not just when you’re suffering.
Treat that sprained ankle. Have a doctor take a look at that burn. Your multicare urgent care center is up to the task.