Are You Sore After Your Bike Ride? A Leather Seat Can Bring Back The Comfort You’ve Been Missing

Are you a fan of cycling? There’s little reason not to be. It’s one of the best ways of getting in solid exercising while enjoying the great outdoors, helping you build muscle and improve your cardiovascular system all in one go. It’s a green form of travel and can even help you find a like-minded community of people just as eager to improve their life as you are. Whether you’re a biking veteran or are just being introduced to the culture this year, finding more comfortable ways of enjoying your favorite sport should be high on your list of priorities for 2018. A comfortable bike seat can mean the difference between a happy ride and a sore time.
Before you learn how to choose a comfortable bike seat let’s talk a little about the bicycle industry. The United States saw over $6 billion in direct sales back in 2015, cementing that cycling culture is alive and well across the country. Over $1 billion in used bicycles were also sold that same year. The benefits of having a comfortable bike seat are beginning to be explored more as more cyclists embrace their hobby and take to the road more frequently. This can, of course, also tie into seat clamps, more snug helmets and any other equipment that encourage the safest and most invigorating ride possible.
How many people cycle? According to a study from 2015 over 36 million Americans aged seven and up rode a bicycle six or more times that year. At more than one billion it’s estimated there are twice as many bicycles around the world than there are cars. Carbon emissions ejected from trucks, motorcycles and single-passenger vehicles are notoriously damaging to human health and the surrounding environment, putting people at risk of developing asthma and even cancer. When you use a bicycle instead of a car you do your part to create a greener, healthier place to live.
Although figures have been seeing a serious spike this past decade, they’re still much lower than other industries. It’s estimated over $80 million is spent on bicycling gear in the United States. Compare this to airplane tickets and fees, which rack up an astonishing $51 billion on average. While this is by no means a way to replace air travel, there are compelling arguments to be made about the convenience and affordability of cycling. The year 2010 saw over 21 million adults in the country riding a bicycle for 109 days or less, making it one of the most popular recreational hobbies.
The health benefits of cycling are well-documented. A study published by the British Medical Association found coronary heart disease was reduced by an astonishing 50% when people cycled 20 miles per week. Even just 20 to 30 minutes of moderate-intensity cycling each day can see people losing pounds, reducing their risk of diabetes and eliminating the early onset of heart attack. There are additional mental and emotional health benefits to be gleaned after a hard ride, to boot. Socialization is a helpful tool in reducing the probability of high blood pressure as well as eliminating minor depressive symptoms.
What makes a comfortable bike seat? Materials have much to do with it. A bike seat should not be digging into you, bruising you or making you shift constantly as you try to go from point A to point B. The downsides to an uncomfortable bike seat can mean leaving you sore once you’re done riding and even discouraging your urge to get out and cycle in the first place. A leather bike seat with proper padding is not just easy to maintain and looks great, it will provide you the cushioning you need to ride without a care. Bicycle saddles are readily available and it shouldn’t take you very long to seek out a comfortable bike seat that fits your model and body type.
Cycling is a great way to get out, get fit and live your best life. A leather bike saddle will simply make it easier.