Ibogaine Treatment Centers A Program That Will Work

Buprenorphine addiction

In 2015 alone, it was determined that there were 20.5 million Americans aged 12 and older that were suffering with a substance use disorder. While 2 million of these individuals had issues with prescription pain relievers, 591,000 had issues with heroin.

It may not be as well-known as it should be that drug overdoses are the leading cause of accidental death in the United States.Throughout 2015, there were 52,404 lethal drug overdoses; prescription pain relievers accounted for 20,101 of these while heroin accounted for 12,990.

Alcohol-related deaths, however, occur at a higher rate. It is estimated that every year, there are 88,009 people that die from health issues and accidents that arise from excessive alcohol consumption.

While some individuals may seek treatment, others struggle with these and related issues for years. In some cases, they may experience these for decades or their entire life. Even when someone does seek treatment, detoxification alone is rarely sufficient. The relapse rate for opioid use, for example, is approximately 95%.

The anticipation and fear associated with experiencing withdrawal symptoms may be one of the major reasons why many people choose not to seek treatment. Another reason is because they’ve been in several treatment programs that weren’t effective.

Short-acting opioid withdrawal symptoms, for example. tend to be the most acute for 1 to 3 days, and usually lessen by the end of a week.

Depending on multiple factors, including the severity of opioid usage, insomnia, depression, and other issues may be present for weeks, even months. For people that undergo a more severe withdrawal, goosebumps and fever may also create discomfort.

Heroin withdrawal symptoms can actually begin within 6 to 12 hours after a person takes their last dose. Since Methadone and buprenorphine are longer-acting drugs, it may take approximately 1 to 2 days for withdrawal symptoms to begin.

A small percentage of alcoholics, roughly 10% to 20%, do require monitoring and medication to assist them through the withdrawal process. Acute withdrawal can take 3 to 5 days followed by post-acute withdrawal syndrome, which may last a year or longer. Many alcoholics continue to require treatment even after they are no longer drinking alcohol. On average, this can last 8 years from the age at which they developed this condition.

While addiction can be a complicated issue to resolve, there are effective treatment programs available. In addition to providing effective treatment for prescription drug addictions, heroin, and alcohol, an Ibogaine treatment program can address these and other types of addictions, such as cocaine. An Ibogaine therapy center can also address depression and other issues that may arise.

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