Spa Treatments Are a Part of a Growing Economy That Includes Many Individual Services

What is a day spa

This is the weekend when you really look forward to one of the spa weekends that you spend with your girlfriends once or twice a year. The spa packages that you select and the location of the gathering vary, but the goal is always the same. A couple of days away from your spouses and kids and a chance to catch up and really relax. You leave your cell phones in the room during the day and really enjoy the conversations. Conversations about your work, your latest goals, and lots of the memories you have of being in college together. You are away from your families, both those spouses and partners and the children are obviously a part of the conversations as well.

Americans work a lot and they are frequently finding themselves in need of a way to relax after long hours at the office week in and week out. One of the ways that couples, friends, and individuals find this relaxation is from taking advantage of one of the many spa treatments that are offered. From steam rooms to massages, many spa treatments are offered as a one or two hour service or as a multi day event. Even people who are not typically interested in visiting a spa when they are at home find themselves looking forward to at least one or two spa services when they are away on vacation. As spa treatments for men continue to grow in popularity it should come as no surprise that more and more spas are offering these services.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the spa industry and the impact it has on the nation’s economy:

  • As many as 43% of all adults suffer adverse health effects from stress, a condition that can benefit from spa services like massages and other spa treatment options.
  • 17 million people indicate that they used services at a day spa within the last 12 months in the U.S., according to a survey from the spring of 2017.
  • 21% of people who recently received a massage indicated that it got their last massage at a spa, according to a 2014 survey.
  • 91% of people view massage as beneficial to both wellness and health, according to a 2014 survey.
  • As the nation continues to place an increasing focus on wellness, more than 179 million Americans visited spas in the year 2016.

Whether you are looking for a chance to get away with a group of college girlfriends, your spouse or partner, or just be by yourself, a spa treatment may be an excellent option.

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