The Top Three Types Of Hair Loss Treatments

Hair restoration in los angeles

Hair loss is an issue that most people will have to deal with on some level. While it’s nothing to be ashamed of, many people do find themselves embarrassed by their hair loss; it affects their confidence and the way they present themselves to others. For that matter, hair loss doesn’t always happen the way we expect it to. Men typically expect to lose hair at some points in their lives — but sometimes, they lose a significant amount earlier than they thought they would. It’s estimated that 85% of men at the age of 50 and older will have significantly thinning hair. 50 really isn’t very old, and most men still feel vital at that age. Some are even bachelors, and worried about the way their hair loss will affect their success in the dating pool. Other men lose their hair even earlier, and feel prematurely aged due to their hair loss. Of course, hair loss issues aren’t just an issue for men. Women can lose a sizable amount of hair as well, and this can be even more devastating a problem for them. Women don’t expect to lose their hair, and when it’s noticeably thinning, they can experience serious drops in confidence. Luckily, there are hair loss treatments available — but not all treatments are created equal. Below, we’ll look at a few different types of hair loss treatments offered by hair clinics across the country, and explore which ones might be right for you.

FUE Hair Transplants

Most of us have at least heard of hair transplants — but we don’t necessarily know what makes one procedure different from the others. Many hair transplant experts prefer the FUE transplant procedure — otherwise known as a follicular unit extraction. During this process, the specialist will take individual follicular unit grafts — that is, groupings of one to four hairs — from one place on the scalp and transplant them to the balding area. This is done using a tiny punch system, measuring no more than .7 to one millimeter in size. This procedure does take a good amount of time — about eight hours, to be exact. But its recovery time is relatively minimal. Depending on a patient’s skin type, the recovery time from a FUE procedure is usually about four to five days. Redness will settle, and the need for any scar revision to minimize scarring is unlikely. The great thing about this type of hair transplant is that scarring is rarely an issue.

FUSS Procedure

Yes, this procedure is referred to as a surgery — because it’s a bit more in depth than a FUE transplant. FUSS stands for follicular unit strip surgery, and it’s more invasive than a FUE procedure. During this procedure, a strip of scalp is surgically removed and transplanted to the balding area. While this might not seem like an ordeal, it has a longer recovery period and a higher rate of complications than FUE procedures. There is also a limit on the amount of harvesting that can be done at one time, due to the pulling of the scalp involved. FUSS also has a higher rate of scarring. FUSS scars can lead to a need for scar revision, which would mean further surgery. Furthermore, FUSS patients must keep their hair a certain length for the rest of their lives, whereas FUE transplant patients can shave their heads if they wish. In general, the lack of need for future scar revision and the lower risk of infection with FUE makes it a preferable procedure.

Scalp Micropigmentation

Scalp micropigmentation is more about the aesthetic appearance of hair than transplanting actual hair — though it, too, lacks the risk of a need for scar revision. This procedure involves tattooing the scalp to achieve the look of a better hairline. Obviously, this procedure is more ideal for men than women, and in particular it’s better for men who keep their hair short. But it’s a great option for those who want to avoid surgery.

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