Do I Really Have To Drag Myself To The Emergency Room For This?

emergency care servicesIt’s hard to know when to go to the ER for emergency care services and when to wait it out, especially as a parent. After all, you’ve probably been warned not to take your kids to the hospital if all they have is a cold or another common illness. And if you’re the one feeling sick, then you probably want to avoid hospital bills at all costs. But what exactly is serious, anyway?

In this post, we dive into some of the most common symptoms that indicate you could be dealing with something serious enough to warrant emergency care services. While this is in no way exhaustive, it can give you a good hint when to consider a trip to the emergency room.

  1. Headaches
    Cluster headaches, tension headaches, and migraines might be run of the mill occurrences, but that doesn’t mean that a headache can never be a symptom of a larger problem. If you aren’t sure whether a headache warrants a trip to the hospital, then consider asking two questions: Is this the worst headache you’ve ever had? And did it come on suddenly, like being struck by lightning? If the answer to these questions is yes, then it is important that you make your way to the hospital as soon as possible.
  2. Abdominal pain
    While stomach aches and bloating are not real cause for concern, intense and localized pain in you abdomen is, especially if you are experiencing it in the lower right part. Additionally, if you or your child are having trouble holding down liquids or fluids, notice blood in your stool, or if the pain occurs suddenly and very severely, then you should consider emergency care services. In rare cases, abdominal pain is actually caused by an about-to-burst appendix, which will require emergency surgery services that can’t wait.
  3. Vomiting
    Between the flu and food poisoning, vomiting is not an uncommon symptom for most. Usually it can be managed at home, but you should consider an ER visit if you see signs of blood in the vomit, or if you see dark green bile, as that is a sign of blockage. Additionally, if you or your child can’t keep water down for a period of 12 hours or more, you might need help to maintain proper hydration. This is especially important with young children, as they become dehydrated quickly.

Knowing when to head to the emergency room, when to visit urgent care centers, and when to wait it out with fluids and bed rest can be difficult. This guide hopefully will help you understand that fine line between what is and is not serious enough to seek out an acute care facility at a local hospital.

Meta Description: Knowing when to head to the emergency room can be difficult. This guide hopefully will help you understand that fine line between what is and is not serious enough.

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