What to Expect During Dyslexia Testing

Many children throughout the world are currently living with some form of dyslexia. It’s important to note that dyslexia is in no way, shape or form tied to IQ. In fact, Albert Einstein is a famous person with dyslexia who had an estimated IQ of 160. That being said, you’ll want to know for sure whether or not your child has this condition. Considering that, it’s important to consider having your child undergo neuropsychological testing for dyslexia. In this post, you’ll learn what your child should expect during dyslexia testing.
Symptoms Associated with Dyslexia
Statistics show that 20% of children throughout the United States have learning and attention issues including ADHD and dyslexia. Unfortunately, 48% of parents believe that children will simply outgrow their conditions which isn’t true.
If you’re a parent, it’s important to watch out for any potential signs of dyslexia. One of the main signs of this condition is having trouble reading. For instance, children with dyslexia often read at a slower speed than others. In addition, these children might become understandably frustrated while trying to go over their reading material.
It’s also important to pay attention to how your child speaks. Everyone occasionally has difficulties trying to get their words out. Unfortunately, those with dyslexia experience this situation often. In addition, this often leads to self esteem issues throughout their lives.
What to Expect During Dyslexia Testing
If you believe your child has dyslexia, you’ll want to consider having a neuropsychological evaluation performed. These series of cognitive assessments consist of determining your child’s vocabulary, language, spelling, grammar, and other skills. It’s understandable to want to know how long these tests take to perform. This often depends on the age of your child. If your child is younger, these tests usually take anywhere between three to four hours. Older children’s tests might take up to eight hours.
Receiving the Results of These Tests
An incredibly important aspect of receiving test results is creating a plan for the future. Therefore, you should expect to receive quite a bit of reporting documents. These reports list how well your child did throughout each of their tests. In addition, your child will likely be referred out to receive follow up assessments.
In closing, it’s understandable to wonder what to expect during dyslexia testing. It’s also important to know that over 40 million adults throughout the United States suffer from some type of dyslexia. Unfortunately, only 2 million of these people are aware of this. If you’re suspecting that your child has dyslexia, you might have it as well. Fortunately, dyslexia testing allows those dealing with this condition to begin receiving the treatment and help they need.